Anthropology 2245F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Phatic Expression, African American Vernacular English, Pragmatics

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Language ideologies: language ideologies attitudes, beliefs or theories we have about language, readings example: african american women in video challenged the belief that standard english was appropriate for a prof by speaking in aave. Basic components of language: phonology sounds, morphology internal structure of words, syntax structure of sentences, semantics* meaning in languages, pragmatics* language use. Indexicality: direct i & you here & there . Indirect dude : word use & accents point to social background. Intonation points to mood: erasure elimination of details inconsistent with a given ideological position, e. g. teaching 1 form of a language is erasure of other forms. Normally this would point to blackness/educatedness/lower class, but they spoke in very technical terms to make a joke. Markedness: not the normal, depends on community, readings example: marked mexicans that speak non-standard spanish, leads to regime of markedness classifying their citizenship. Illegitimation institutional opposition to a particular linguistic practice: opposite of authorization, people dismissing certain practices, e. g.