Anthropology 3332F/G- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 13 pages long!)

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The new ontario curriculum requires parents to talk to their kids about reproduction and this has been controversial. Today: conception and reproduction: the epic story of all of us, how do we know that this is a version of the story that"s being told in 2013 and not what emily. Martin was criticizing: well it"s neutral in its description, there is a little bit of the cybernetic model (thinking about how sperm and egg compliment each other in this relationship i. e. , the egg assisting the sperm along) Epic journey of a single sperm like a powerful protagonist in a novel. Illustrating that something scientific and displayed as objective fact is steeped in political and cultural context. Trobriander thinking on reproduction | as studied and described by malinowski. In all cultures, persons are living human entities whose killing is classed as murder; that is, the killing invokes some degree of moral condemnation and social retribution (morgan.