Biochemistry 3381A Study Guide - Final Guide: Signal Transduction, Reversible Reaction, Catabolism

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Metabolism: the overall process through which living systems acquire and use free energy to carry out functions. *ensure that you can look at a pathway and be able to recognize the 4 types of reactions. Remarkable efficiency we use 70kg worth of atp every day. Signal transduction: series of biochemical reactions that produce a biological response. Akin to 4000 metabolic reactions, 4 types of chemical reactions. Thousands of reactions, but a finite number of possible chemical modifications. Loss of regulation underlying basis of disease. Designer drug was engineered to target the malignant cells. Recall: metabolism is the overall process for acquiring and using free energy to carry out life processes. Catabolism: breaking down big molecules to smaller, simpler things. Catabolic processes: generate high energy compounds that drive biosynthetic pathways (or other processes such as mechanical force, active transport, signal transduction, heat etc. ) Complex gets broken down, generates simple stuff that then gets built back up.