Biochemistry 3381A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Trigeminal Ganglion, Interferon Gamma, Irf3

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Irf3 and nf- b (tfs)> type i ifn, cytokines, chemokines: don"t make pamps: @ same site, + same disease (cold sore) caused vs vzv. Inducing type i ifn: prrs > transduce to irf3 / nf- b (tfs) translocate to nucleus to transcribe. Translated, secreted, bind : ifn-r type i activate jak1 phosphorylate stat-1/2 nuclear translocation. Activate isgf-3 bind isre transcribe isgs for anti-viral proteins: mx, pkr protein kinase r upon binding dsrna inhibit protein synthesis, oas upon dsrna binding inhibit protein synthesis. Note positive feedback of viral induced innate response: Nk cell activation missing or induced self > produce gamma ifns. Gamma ifns > macrophage activation produce cxcl8 and il-12 recruit and activate. Prevent prr signalling no type i ifn production: avoidance mechanism: don"t express pamps or hide them, herpesvirus latency, retorvirus avoid making dsrna. Ifn binding proteins prevent receptor binding: vaccinia: b18: binds type i ifn (free in sol and cell surface)