Biochemistry 3381A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Likert Scale, Ordinal Data, Observer-Expectancy Effect

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Identify common types of data and understand their essential properties. Appreciate the role of statistics as a suite of decision support tools. Know what assumptions statistical tests make about data and how to check that they are satisfied. Know what to do if a test"s assumptions are not met. Be able to choose an appropriate test for experimental design. Recognise key test results and interpret them correctly. Present experimental results clearly and without bias. Starting points: understand your experiment, understand its limitations and constraints, use appropriate controls (positive and negative, show and explain the data you get (then the observers can also judge for themselves) Statistics are a set of mathematical tools that help scientists to make decisions and help to understand how solid those decisions are. When using statistics, one needs to know which tool to use, how to use it, how it can be helpful and what can be misleading or inappropriate.