Biochemistry 3381A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Somitogenesis, Somite, Neural Tube

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Describe the adult vertebrate tissues that form from somites. Understand that somites form intermediate tissues and these then develop into adult tissues. Describe the experimental evidence that supports our understanding of somite formation, maturation and anterior -posterior patterning. Explain intrinsic and extrinsic influences on somite formation, maturation and anterior-posterior patterning. Somites are dorsal paired segments of mesoderm occurring along the notochord in vertebrate embryos. They develop into muscle and bone in the adult animal. Somites develop from the paraxial mesoderm (the mesoderm located at either side of the developing neural tube). Cell division in the presomitic mesoderm provides more tissue to differentiate into somites. The length of the presomitic mesoderm stays constant. The number of somites generated and the frequency they are generated depends on the organism. Temperature changes can affect the frequency of generation but the normal number of somites are ultimately formed.