Biology 1001A Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mimivirus, Alexander Oparin, Thalidomide

23 views7 pages
18 Mar 2018

Document Summary

It can get sick, it has a large number of coding genes, it is really big: characteristics of virophage, a virophage infects a virus that infects another cell and hijacks its machinery to replicate itself. It is much smaller than its host virus: the satellite virus can perform horizontal gene transfer between viruses. Maybe (cid:886) billion years ago life formed: domains of life, bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes. Archaea and bacteria used to be lumped together: no single group of organisms can be lumped into (cid:498)prokaryotes(cid:499) (cid:498)pro(cid:499) means anteriority, but there is no evidence prokaryotes came before bacteria. Have identical chemical and physical properties but have vastly different biological properties (thalidomide can be an antiemetic or a teratogen through chirality: life is homochiral. Dogma to evolve: central dogma: dna to rna to protein. Enzymes are needed to drive this synthesis and enzymes are proteins.