Biology 1002B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chlamydomonas, Retina, Noncoding Dna

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Relatedness of chlamydomonas to plants and animals: phylogeny: eukaryota; plants; green algae. Diverged from plants about 1 billion years ago. Relationship between genome size and protein coding genes: clamydymonas have a relatively high number of pcgs comparative to their genome size therefore, the genes must be packed more densely, and there must be less junk dna present. Phototransduction: ability to convert light energy into an electrical signal, which is used to beat the flagella. Also what is happening in your eye: cell is polarized; greater positive charge outside of the cell than inside of the cell. Leads to a voltage difference across the membrane. Allows ions to freely diffuse: voltage goes down during depolarization. Activation of the protons allows for depolarization of the membrane: eventually results in an action potential generated at the level of the eyespot. Causes it to move in a certain direction.