Biology 2290F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Null Hypothesis, Medicago, Descriptive Statistics

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Explain and outline the steps in the scientific method (pg. Scientific method: logical, orderly arranged approach used to study nature and it is also a process used to gain new knowledge. Scientist revolves around three fundamental aspects - observation, experimentation, and communication. Observation: the first step in the scientific method is to make. Question: can arise from various sources such as attending conferences/symposia, reading scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals or a continuation of a scientist"s research programme. Every experiment requires a clear statement of the objective(s) of the study. Example: to determine whether total c and n concentrations have changed in five high arctic plant species in response to increased temperatures. Statements of h0 and ha are made prior to the design and implementation of an experiment. An experiment can have more than one set of hypotheses or more than one alternate hypothesis depending on the nature of the experiment.