Biology 2601A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Lungfish, Statocyst, Hemocyanin

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Lecture 13 the heart, blood and oxygen association curves (dr. taylor) Recap: last lecture our core temperature is higher than the thermoneutral zone (for all endothermic homeotherms) A discrete pumping structure that drives the flow of blood. Multiple hearts e. g. annelid worm has a closed circulatory system but no heart! Has expanded muscular vasculature to pump blood around e. g. crayfish - an open circulatory system, with a weak heart, and has muscles involved with pumping blood around the body. In us humans, the muscle is very powerful and does a lot of work Muscle tissue of the heart is known as myocardium (in humans specifically) The heart is a muscle with unique structural and physiological properties. Remember there are three types of muscles (skeletal, smooth and cardiac) Myocardium is similar to cardiac muscle in that it is striated (thick and thin overlapping filaments), but it is not arranged in a serial pattern.