Biology 3218F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Linnaean Taxonomy, Zygomycota, Hypha

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Fungi are closer evolutionary relatives to animals than plants. Group of organisms called slime molds are closest to animals. Domain kingdom phylum class order family genus species. P: -mycota sp: -mycotina c: -mycetes o: -ales f: -aceae. True fungi only have one flagella; fungi group are sister group to animals, meaning they are monophyletic. Slime molds are the sister group of the group containing animals and fungi. Characteristics of the fungi are eukaryotic, heterotrophic, with extracellular digestive with absorptive nutrition. Most have cell walls with chitin, glucans, and mannans. There are five major phyla of fungi: chytridiomycota, zygomycota, glomeromycota, Ascomycota, basidiomycota, the latter two being the most diverse. An exception is yeast cells, which split by budding or fission and they grow into individual cells. Budding occurs if the cells swell up ovulary, fission occurs in longer rods. Yeast thrive in liquid environment; other fungi thrive in solid substrate.