Business Administration 2257 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Psychographic

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User who identifies the need for product who has informational input to decision who makes final decision through budget authorisation who makes actual purchase who uses product in the end. Identities of individuals can differ widely + there is often difference between them (multiple people involved whose needs differ) Personality age, sex, geographic location, stage in life income, education, occupation, social class general personality traits. Psychographics and values: aio variables (activities, interest, options, vals (inner-directed, outer-directed, need- driven consumers, vals2 (principle-oriented, status-oriented, action-oriented, strugglers, globalscan (strivers, achievers, pressured, adapters, traditionals, list of values (lov scale) Psychographic typologies most related to purchasing patterns = enable to match potential buyers with appropriate media to communicate with them. Operating industry, company size, location technology, user/nonuser, customer capabilities. Purchasing approaches eg purchasing-function orga, policies, power structure, nature of existing relationships. Situational factors urgency, specific application, size of order. Personal characteristics buyer-seller similarity, attitudes toward risk, innovativeness (lead user?)