Business Administration 3311K Study Guide - Final Guide: Organizational Culture

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Three conditions essential to a groups effectiveness: trust among members: sense of group identity, sense of group efficacy (belief that the team can achieve success) The team needs to create emotionally intelligent norms (attitudes and behaviours that eventually become habits and support the behaviours required to develop trust, group identity, and group efficacy). These conditions need to be present before teams can exhibit beneficial behaviours such as participation, cooperation, and collaboration. For an individual, emotional intelligence is being aware of emotions and being able to regulate them (this awareness and regulation is directed inward to themselves as well as outward to others). Personal competence is being aware of and regulating ones own emotions, whereas social competence is being aware of and regulating others emotions. But in a group, there are more levels to be aware of. Individual level (how groups work their individual members emotions: group level, cross-boundary level.