Chemistry 2213A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Acetic Anhydride, Filter Paper, Mother Liquor

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Organic chem 2213 lab notes final exam. If salicylic acid is present, the test will be positive because the phenol group has an oh on it. If asa is present, test will be negative: can also asses purity using melting points of the synthesized and recrystalized asa. Recrystallization: relies on the fact that compounds are more soluble in a hot solvent, proper solvent must be selected for effective crystallization. Hot gravity filtration: filter the solution while it is hot using fluted filer paper, fluting increasing the surface area, increasing rate at which solution passes through. If solution isn"t hot, dissolved material may prematurely crystalize onto filter paper. Vacuum filtration: used to separate soluble impurities and the solvent from the crystals of the purified substance (use hirsch of buchner funnel, filter trap is connected through vacuum trap to a vacuum line. If too much solvent is used you may dissolve your product.