Classical Studies 1000 Midterm: january 13th 2020 class notes

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From war with persia to ruling persia -> trace how he went from fighting against persia to becoming a ruler of persia: phase 1: 334-333 (issus) 334: spring: alexander crosses near troy, programmatic acts: Protesilaus: spear throw signifies that he will capture the land, sacrifices at troy, athena, neoptolemus , achill, patroclus, best friend, saw himself as another achilles in reenacting, summer: battle of granicus. Achilles: persian strategy debate: memnon vs. persian nobles, memnon has some strategic skills. Let us not fight him let us retreat and burn everything in the wake of our retreat and force. Inscription says: alexander sent us the spoils to dedicate to athena : he did this bc he wanted to send a message, he was a king and also hegemon of. Corinth: leader of all greek cities: he decided to ignite a war against persia, to avenge. Xerxes" invasion: by dedicating the spoils to. Athena, bc the necropolis was previously destroyed it in.