Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pentathlon, 5 Fingers, Erymanthian Boar

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Lecture 2: religion of the body hesoid"s theogony (birth of the. Works and days: advise on farming. Organization of ancient greek universe based on genealogies. Titans, cyclopes, hundred handers: titans: kronos + rhea, lapetus + clymene. Typhoeos anti anthropomorphic final challenge to zeus. Way for ancient greeks to see absolute potential of the human body. Atlas: force (bi , holds up the sky. For this was how styx, ocean"s daughter, made her decision on that fateful day when the lord of lighting summoned the gods to the slopes of olympos. He told them that he would not deprive of anyone of rights and honors, who fought along with him against the titans. Or if they had no rights under kronos before, he would promote them to rights and honors (tim ) as was just. Resources available to an individual on the basis of honor, prestige/recognition: serves as value that one holds within a culture.