Classical Studies 2300 Study Guide - Chariot Racing, Sestertius, Herma

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Feb 29th roman chariot racing: author of little blue book writes in a somewhat dense manner; don"t focus on memorization, note: romans did not have horseback riding; never of interest, more written about chariot racing than anything else. Referred to a circuit where horses would race. Cm was the largest circuit, but not the only one in rome. Emperors had private circuses: massive dimensions made it improbable for anyone else to have one. First literary references to the circus maximus are dated to 600 bc: earliest legitimate sport the romans had. Constant innovations and changes applied to the circus maximus: julius caesar added special tiered seating, adopted son added box seating. Best box seats were in the emperor"s villa, at one end of the stadium: hovered over the stadium, however, the emperors made a show of attending the game physically; had their own seating in the stadium.