Digital Communication 3209F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Seth Godin, Social Media Marketing, False Consciousness

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Seth godin argues the internet has ended mass marketing and revived a human social unit from the distant past: tribes. Ideology: integrated sets of values, ideals and understandings, a system of meaning that helps define and explain the world and makes value judgements about that world: problem: its relation to truth and knowledge. Ideologies can be compared in terms of their values, consequences and social/historical conditions of human existence: not in terms of the absolute truth. "have you ever tucked your kid in from a phone booth, you will . Have you ever paid a toll without slowing down, you will . Have you ever sent someone a fax from the beach : ex. At&t you wil ads: this is not an invitation or a question, but an order: you will do this whether you like it or not .