Earth Sciences 1086F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hubble Space Telescope, Parallax, Orion Arm

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Scientific laws describe certain scientific observations, but do not explain why the behaviours are observed. Singularity - an area in space-time where gravitational force is so high that all known laws of physics break down and do not apply: nasa installed a huge optical telescope naming it the hubble space telescope. Ion - an atom with either a negative or positive charge. Isotope - atoms with different amounts of neutrons. Isotopes are defined by mass number other particles. Fission - a breakdown of the nucleus of a relatively heavy atom into at least 2 other lighter particles plus energy. Fusion - the combination of 2 lighter atoms into one heavier atom plus energy. Supernova - the explosive death of a massive star: periodic table of elements - an arrangement of all the known chemical elements in a table according to a defined order, generally ordered according to atomic number. Surrounding the photosphere is a layer of gases called the chromosphere.