Earth Sciences 2281A/B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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2. 5% freshwater: 68. 7% glaciers and ice caps, 30. 1% groundwater, 1. 2% surface/other freshwater. Important water is never destroyed, just polluted and changed forms. Drainage basin total area drained by a stream and its tributaries. Drainage divide ridge of high ground dividing one drainage basin from another. Watershed complete system of surface water and groundwater taking in the entire drainage basin for a major watercourse; obey only gravity and movement of water: districts of conservation authorities based on watersheds (upper thames, etc. ) Gentle gradient force of water is less downward; energy is more lateral, yields meandering rivers. Flooding canada has minimal flooding due to lakes (natural storage/buffers) Floodplain broad strip of land build up by sediment deposited by the river as it overflows its banks during flooding . Natural levees form during floods with thickest, coarsest material next to the river channel and finer clay material from the backswamp : water flows over lip and deposits.