Economics 1022A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 103 pages long!)

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ECON 1022A/B Full Course Notes
ECON 1022A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Undergraduate enquiries: 519-661-3507 or social science centre room 4075 or econugrd@uwo. ca. Course objective: to introduce you to the principles of macroeconomics and enable you to understand and interpret economic events in the world around you using the economist"s toolkit. Macroeconomics is the study of the performance of the national economy and the global economy. You are responsible for ensuring you are registered in the correct courses. If you are not registered in this course, the department will not release your marks until your registration is corrected. You may check your timetable by using the login on the student services website at https://studentservices. uwo If you notice a problem, please contact your home faculty academic counsellor right away. Students are strongly advised to take economics 1021a/b before taking economics 1022a/b. You are responsible for ensuring that you have successfully completed all course prerequisites, and that you have not taken an antirequisite course.