Economics 3364A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Whist, European Corporate Law, Limited Liability Partnership

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Eu company law and brexit: berseering (2002, berseering bv (dutch ltd company). Shares transferred to german businessman, with meetings held in d sseldorf. Contract between berseering and ncc gmbh, the latter had to rebuild immovables owned by berseering in d sseldorf. Non- performance by ncc and court case in germany. German pil rules used by national court where the company"s tats chlicher sitz is. Germany without being incorporated as a german legal person. Cjeu: if a company is duly established in ms a and is deemed under the laws of ms b to have moved, then ms b cannot deny them recognition for contractual matters: inspire art (2003) Inspire art was incorporated as a ltd in the uk, with business only in nl. The company was only set up in uk to avoid the minimal capital requirements in nl. Plaintiff was the dutch chamber of commerce, complaining about undue registration.