Economics 3364A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Homicide, Gross Negligence, Voluntary Manslaughter

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Different forms of mens rea/subjective element: closer look at english gross negligence manslaughter. Mens rea illustrated: when is homicide murder, manslaughter, or just bad luck: dutch criminal code, murder (moord) - art. 289: he who intentionally and with premeditation takes the life of another person life imprisonment or 30 years (no way they can get out of prison before the term: manslaughter (doodslag) - art. 287: he who intentionally takes the life of another 15 years: negligent manslaughter - art. [why is intentionally" not explicitly mentioned: see 15: negligent manslaughter - 222: he who causes the death of a human being by negligence. max. 5 years: common law homicide offences, murder: causing the death of a human being with malice aforethought (motive & premeditation not relevant) S. 1 (1) of the murder act 1965: life imprisonment: voluntary manslaughter: mens rea for murder, but mitigating circumstances allowing partial defence (coroners and justice act 2009)