Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Voluntary Manslaughter, Homicide Act 1957, High Standard Manufacturing Company

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Murder: murder d kills person v intending to kill or cause gbh. Doesn"t need malice or forethought cunningham [1982] can be spontaneous. Murder is a common law crime developed by judges not a controversial crime. Cause death result crime white [1910] victim died of heart attack just before death from poison guilty of attempted murder. Gibbins v proctor [1918] act vs omission you are not liable for our own omissions unless you were obliged to in the first place. Parent not feeding child parents job to feed their child. In uk there is no duty of rescue. Positive act - can kill people directly stabbing, shooting, strangling. Killing and medical care: adams [1957] patient is dying in lots of pain dosage of painkillers will kill you quicker. Trapped state syndrome fully aware of everything. Family decided after a few years to switch off life support machine.