Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Mens Rea, Mattress, Supermarine S.6

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Require actus reus as we can"t just punish people for their thoughts, which aren"t found to be basis of criminal liability. But action element can be misleading e. g l picks up gun, aims at h n shoots h in chest, h dies. Action can be any one of three above. The actus reus of murder must include death. Therefore, actus reus= anything that doesn"t refer to mental element of offence. L hates h, on their walk l pushes h railway track intending for h to be hit, due any minute. L runs away, h=injured by fall, can"t get up, calls for help. G=employed to operate level crossing, hears h calling, in middle of sunday lunch, decides to not get up/ investigate. J=local police officer in vicinity doing rounds, hears h, doesn"t want to get involved as its 10 mins to end of shift, doesn"t want delays.