Economics 3366A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Centrality, Practical Reason, Bodily Integrity

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Centrality of individual autonomy and liberty, the significance of political freedom and personal choice. Reject the notion of patterned distribution the state shouldn"t interfere with the property owned its citizens limiting the power of the state to protecting our security and administering justice through the courts it values individual rights. The entitlement theory of justice is based in three principle: principles of acquisition. They determined the circumstances under which persons are able to acquire ownership of previously unowned sources: principles of transfer. Determine the methods by which the ownership of resources may be transferred between persons: principles of ratification. Determine how an unjust acquisition or transfer of property should be rectified. His account rests on an oversimplified conception of the individual who is isolated form society. Justice is associated with the idea that people ought to be treated as equal.