English 2033E- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 137 pages long!)

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Take a moment and complete the following sentence: children are [fill in the blank]. In our culture, there is a wide variety of stereotypes about children; children are innocent and imaginative; children are greedy and selfish; children are vulnerable and easily manipulated; children are consummate manipulators of adults. These stereotypes may or may not be accurate they are certainly contradictory. A short history of childhood will help put this question into historical context. An early poem for children bears this out: That ye be born to die. (robert smith, d. 1555, the exhortation. Another early poem focuses more on manners: of a father to his children) Be well ware, and set hereon thy thought, Before they sovereign scratch nor rub thee not. The most significant challenge to the puritan view of childhood arose from the work of two philosophers: john locke and jean-jacques rousseau. In 1762, jean jacques rousseau took locke"s ideas a step further, arguing that.