Film Studies 1020E Study Guide - David Bordwell, World-Systems Theory, André Bazin

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A narrative can be studied in terms of representation and semantics (refer to notes on semiotics) or by its" structure. The classic hollywood narrative presents psychologically defined individuals attempting to resolve a clear-cut problem. Classical syuzhet often has two plot lines involving two different spheres of the narrative. By manipulating space and time the classical narration makes the fabula world consistent and comprehensive. In classical narration, style instructs the viewer to construct a coherent understanding of time and space. Eisenstein dialectic approach to film form (formalism) Montage is a collision of interdependent singular shots shots that can even be opposite of one another to create or enhance a particular emotion within an individual. The conventional descriptiveness of film form leads for a possibility of filmic reasoning. While conventional film directs emotions, this suggests an opportunity to direct the entire thought process as well. Cinema as a synthesis of art and science.