Foods and Nutrition 1021 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mindless Eating, Leptin, Gluttony

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Increase knowledge and awareness of eating disorders and disordered eating. By the age of 18, 80% of girls of normal/healthy height and weight reported that they would like to weigh less. The national eating disorder centre in toronto estimates that: 200,000 to 300,000 women 13- 40 yrs old have anorexia nervosa. 40% of 9 yr old girls report dieting. We often cannot blame one factor ed are multifactorial in their development. Sociocultural - become more prevalent as wealth increases and food becomes plentiful. Healthy body weight is viewed as too fat . Central to its diagnosis is a distorted body image that overestimates body fatness. Malnutrition is known to affect brain functioning and judgment about ones self. Weight loss is seen as a solution to sadness or feelings of anxiety, etc. Discipline is used to strictly limit portions of low-calorie foods. Becoming accustomed to little food one can feel full after eating as little as a half-dozen carrot sticks.