Geography 1500F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Urban Heat Island, Urban Metabolism, Urban Ecosystem

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Cities and global systems: cities have a metabolism: food, energy, water, materials, wastes, urban ecosystem: atmosphere; biosphere; hydrosphere; pedo- and lithosphere; built system, hubs of social cultural, economic exchange, experimental spaces for new ideas and local democracy. Climate and the build environment: infrastructure choices affecting long-term ghg emission patterns (path dependency, carbon lock-in" : long distance traveling btw work and home, carbon lock-out": easy public transportation, **two important factors: density & design. Cities are hubs of migration and trade: cities as frontier zones , james ferguson: capital hops , not flows (not evenly process, fore investment goes into resource extraction enclaves or financial centers, challenges ideas about globalization: there"re only point-to-point connections. Cities are experimental spaces: innovations are often possible at the city level that would be much harder to try nationally, examples of urban experiments: energy, food, transportation systems; direct democracy. Block out, drought, earthquake, conflict or war, military attack, snow.