Geography 2010A/B Study Guide - Regional Airline, World Trade Organization, Mennonite

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An area of the earth"s surface defined by its distinctive human and/or natural characteristics (bone) Presence or absence of specific characteristic) or functional (based on interaction interaction of each region look for series of region that are related ex. Regional airline centerpoint and series of outline points where outline points interact with center, but not necessarily between the outline points. Hierarchy (all regions can be ranked arranged hierarchically. Human constructs infinite number (regions are human constructs. Regions are artificial creations crated by humans to serve some purposes for us) All regions have spatial extent, location, boundaries, either formal or functional and can fit into a hierarchy (5 common characteristics) Regions of canada: ontario (central canada includes ontario and quebec. Quebec: quebec, british columbia (western mountains dominated by mountain ranges, western canada (alberta, saskatchewan and manitoba. Prairies provinces: atlantic canada (eastern canada p. e. i. , new. Brunswick, nova scotia, newfoundland and labrador: territorial north (yukon, northwest territories, nunavut)