Geography 2011A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Great Lakes Basin, Thermal Pollution, 6 Years

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Beluga whales in st. lawrence river have cancer: water looks clean, takes ~350 years to get from lake superior to st. lawrence river, at the time of settlement, ~7 generations. Lake superior: native fisherman drank from the lake, hydroelectricity generated from rivers flowing into lake superior. 90% removed from waste water: sioux rapids circumvented by locks for navigation. Zebra mussels, sea lamprey: world"s largest freshwater lake by area, largest, coldest, deepest of great lakes, could contain all others + 3 more lake eries, retention rate: 191 years, forested, little agricultural, sparse population. Mother earth water walk: native women participating, walk around coast of all the great lakes, 17k km or 10k miles, raise awareness. Lake michigan: entirely within us, 99 year retention time, northern part is colder, less developed area. One of the most productive fisheries in great lakes. World"s largest concentration of pulp and paper mills: southern part - more temperate.