Geography 2011A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Northern Ontario, Mouthwash, Nordicity

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Future of northern ontario: pessimistic about the future of northern ontario. In-class writing assignment: it is possible that the region could change and become a succesful region, however, a lot of different factors need to occur for the region to be succesful. These regions show more promise and chance for change. Rest of region is lightly scattered with population- these areas have little potential. Little is done to help them progress: tax dollars are taken from them and not proportionally returned, economic control, similar to politics, the corporate headquarters are in the south. Little value-added services- most in south- don"t retain this profit: lacks diversity- susceptible to boom-bust- very volatile. Needs substantial diversity to gain stability of any sort. I. e. wind, biofuel, hydro energies: mining, forestry, energy, little research and technology is being put into this- potential untapped. Business- needs internet in the global economy. Society- falling behind rest of the world without this.