Geography 2011A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon, Clearcutting, Dieldrin

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A great lake is a lake over. Laurenian great lakes: superior, huron, michigan, erie, ontario. Watershed: 295,000 square mile, 764,051 square km. Shoreline: 12,100 (20,207 km, 6850 miles in ontario and quebec, 5270 miles in 8 us states. Drainage: lake superior and lake michigan east through lake huron, lake st. clair, lake erie, lake ontario to the st. lawrence and atlanic ocean. The great lake: contain 23,000 km3 of water, area of 244,000 km2, largest system of fresh water, surface water on the earth, 18% of world"s fresh water supply. Ouflows: less than 1% per year therefore, pollutants that enter the system are retained in the system. 0. 9% other, including soil moisture, ground ice/permafrost and swamp water. How the great lakes were formed and evolved. Shape of the lakes has evolved due to: retreat of glaciers, topography surrounding the lakes, gradual iling of the earth"s crust (major factor since the glaciers retreat)