Geography 2152F/G Final: Exam Review.docx

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Peterborough case study wont be on the exam. Looking at disasters and hazards within a geographical view. Wont be asking a question on climate change science-there will be a question on the policy of climate change in respect to canada- focus on canadian content on the climate change slides. Focus on social vulnerability-very key to social policy. Movie on nuclear weapons-highlighted how the evolution of technology needs to be examined in a social, cultural and political context. Need to strengthen governments and make them accountable- Bhopal (everyone attacked union carbide while indian government was elected-what else could have been done) lack of understanding of processes led to the disaster getting worse. Hint: focus on the power points, most questions will be on there. Very strategic-power points highlight important parts of a chapter- read only what is important (ex soviet relationship to chernobyl disaster) Do you think bhopal is more or less prepared than london.