Geography 2153A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Agrochemical, Earth Day, Treaty

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Environment the conditions that surround someone/something; the external factors surrounding and affecting an organism at a given time. Society a group of humans that co-exist and relate to one another through politics, culture and institutions that govern good behaviour. Environmental changes natural processes of environmental change; humans have accelerated environmental change: change happens over thousands of years, not millions like it used to, ex. Explaining a complex relationship: humans and the environment. Nuclear waste disposal, toxic emissions, acid precipitation, genetically modified plant crops, deforestation, habitat loss, greenhouse gases, global climate change. Not only in gaseous form, but in solid/liquid form. Human demand and consumption: food, clothes, shelter commodities. Conceptualize the relationship between the humans and the environment. An economy is a system that organizes land, labour, capital and enterprise to meet the wants and needs of consumers for products and services. Economics is concerned with: what is produced, how it is produced, and who gets what is produced.