Geography 2310A/B Study Guide - Black Body, Emissivity, Smog

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Planck"s law a radiation law stating that, for any substance, the rate of emission per wavelength increases with temperature, and the lengths of the waves emitted decrease with temperature. Stefan boltzmann law a radiation law stating that the rate of emission of radiation by a substance will increase with the temperature of the substance. Wien"s law a radiation law stating that the wavelength at which a sub-stance emits the most energy will decrease as the temperature of the substance increases. Kirchoff"s law (black body radiation)- the emissivity of a substance at a given wavelength is equal to the absorptivity of that substance at the same wavelegth. Together, the stefan boltzmann law and wien"s law tell us that as temperature increases: the rate of emission of radiation increases and, the wavelength of maximum emission, along with all the emitted wavelengths, get shorter. Earth doesn"t emit shortwave radiation, only long wave.