[History 2132A/B] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (39 pages long!)

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The entirety of ideas, perspectives, attitudes, images that are in the mainstream of a given culture heavily influenced by mass media. Some say that the concept itself is virtually useless too broad, too contradictory, too convoluted, always defined in terms in otherness (what it is not), it leads to different interpretations and analytical focus. The pro(cid:271)le(cid:373) ste(cid:373)s fro(cid:373) the (cid:862)(cid:272)ulture(cid:863) part huge term. The arena where webs of meaning reflecting how we conceive of the world around us are articulated where we define the world as we see it. Also where the ways we interpret things conflict with others. General process of intellectual, spiritual, and aesthetic development as in high culture not. Culture is where meaning is contested many would associate pop culture with this. May refer to a particular way of life canadian, youth, sport. Pop culture belongs to the people as opposed to being from them. Does(cid:374)"t (cid:271)elo(cid:374)g to a(cid:374)y parti(cid:272)ular group of people.