[History 2186A/B] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 15 pages long Study Guide!

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Notion of zombies came from the slaves if died a slave you are a zombie forever doomed to room the land. Hattians revolution first black country to be run by them selves. Anywhere else was run by whites so they were afraid when haiti became independent. Made a book that is non-fiction about living and working with zombies. Movie had a big impact since it was new. Zombies are all over the place in society now and used outside of pop culture too. Zombie apocalypse became a notion of disaster preparedness and crisis. Clinics used zombies to get people interested into getting prepared for tornados, hurricanes, and disasters. Since zombies are so big in pop vulture t is a good way to get them interested in the important boring stuff like flu shots or preparedness. The(cid:455)"re (cid:374)ot ratio(cid:374)al- you cant reason with them or convince them or talk to them.