Health Sciences 1002A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 95 pages long!)

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H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 1 0 0 2 a / b. Textbook (second opinion: an introduction to health sociology) Do not email unless an emergency - owl message prof p. Read before class, take clear notes, review after class. Lms: questions on owl will be posted and are testable, answer them throughout the watching of the lm. Exams are all multiple choice and true false, assignments are written. Exams include all course material (including required readings, lms, guest presentations), emphasis will be placed in lectures. Discussion groups on owl every week for questions that went unanswered during class. Tutorial for health sciences is entirely unrelated, not tested on anything covered in these tutorials (movie assignments may be given) Thursday, september 8, 2016: the goal of producing knowledge is an attempt to help society, science should be full of values.