Health Sciences 2300A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 225 pages long!)

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Document Summary

H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 2 3 0 0 a / b. Introduction to: systematic and functional anatomy, basic cells and tissues. Systematic anatomy: systematic anatomy is the study of the individual 11 systems in the body, regional anatomy is studying an area of the body and all of the structures within the region. Anatomical nomenclature: anatomical language (how we communicate) The anatomical position positon where the individual is standing feet on the ground and the palms are facing forward (reference point) Akin to having a 3d compass n,s,e,w plus up/down. Directions, movements, and relationships: superior vs. inferior. Superior is moving upwards; inferior is moving downwards. Anterior is towards the front of the body; posterior is towards the back of the body: left vs. Left and right should be described based on the patient"s left and right.