Health Sciences 2300A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Pectoralis Major Muscle, Pectoralis Minor Muscle, Levator Scapulae Muscle

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Inf: depress scapula extend, abduct & medially rotate arm, raise body to arm. Sp t2-t5 below scap spine inf rotation of. Clavical head; medial half of clavical; sternocostal head; sternum; 1-6 costal cartlidge lateral lip of bicepital groove of humerous adduct, medially roatates and flexes arm lateral & medial. 3-5th rib coracoid process draw scapula inf and ant to stabilize medial. Trapezius a i c i f r e p u. Minor r o i r e t s o. Inferior surface of anchor and depress middle third of clavicle clavical subclavian. 1st-8th rib anterior surface of medial border of scap protracts and holds scap on thoratic wall. Flex and adducts arm r o i r e t n. Anterior surface of lower half of shaft of. Extension of ulna, long head also extends arm. Adduct hand d n a h x e l. Superficialis i t a d e m r e t n.