Health Sciences 3025A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John Harvey Kellogg, Muscle Energy Technique, Ambroise Paré

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Integrative Health Week Six
Manual Healing Techniques
Holistic tenants
o The body is a unit
o Structure and function are interrelated
o When normal adaptability is disrupted
Disease may ensure
Concepts of Manual Healing
There are eleven concepts
o Bilateral symmetry
o Gravity
o Tensegrity
o Postural maintenance/coordinated movement
o Connective tissue segmentation
o Reflexes/autonomic nervous system
o Pain/guarding
o Compensation/decompensation
o Range of motion
o Active vs passive/direct vs indirect
Goal of Manual Therapy
Restoration of proper anatomical and physiological balance in the patient
o Restoration of proper joint range of motion and body symmetry
o Restoration of balance of nervous system activity
o Restoration of proper arterial flow and venous/lymph drainage
Basic Treatment Principles
Active vs passive
o What is the role of the patient
Direct vs indirect
o Direction of approach to physiological barriers
Massage Therapy
Youtube Video Fascia 101
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Fascia medical meaning is certain sheets of biological material found inside the body
o Body is held together by a net
o Fascia is the soft tissue webbing in the body
History of Massage
Likely predates written history
Ancient Greece
o Aesculapius
o Tui Na
Renaissance Europe
o Ambroise Pare
Read page 249, Figure 17-2
Modern History
o Pehr Henrik Link
Swedish Movement Cure
o Johann Metzger
Swedish Massage
o Izrayl Zabludoski
o John Harvey Kellogg
Essential Practices
Rule of the artery
Direction of application
o Toward the heart
Muscles are addressed in groups
Progression from gentle to aggressive applications
Endangerment sites
Lubricant use
Swedish Massage Techniques
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Shear force
Further Applications Modern Guide
Touchabilities Essential Connections (2006)
o Breathing, cognitive, energy, compression, expansion, kinetics, oscillation,
Trigger Points
Hyperirritable nodules within the fascia
o Pressure on these points radiates sensation
Massage theap ais to elease the pessue of tigge poits
Hydro/Thermal Application
Sometimes used to complement manual therapy
Muscles relax when heat is applied, contract in contact with cold
o Vasodilation vs vasoconstriction
o Both can be applied alternatively during a single session
o Neutal/a ate soeties used i hdotheap
o Use of cryotherapy
Special Applications
o Prenatal massage
o Infant massage
o Age associated physiological and socioeconomic changes
o Specialized knowledge of pathophysiology of disease
Hospice Care
o Emotional and psychological benefits
Lymph Drainage
Using very light pressure to promote drainage of lymph
Different from standard effleurage
o Deeply applied effleurage can inhibit drainage and damage to lymphatic vessels
Myofasical Soft Tissue Technique and Release
Gentle technique aimed at releasing fibrous tissue
Can be uncomfortable
Can by aided by instruments
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