Health Sciences 3101A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Culpable Homicide, Homeopathy, Antipsychotic

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Even if something is not a criminal offense does not mean you have a legal right to it. Canada has become a more legalistic and litigious society, which is an. There are more suits against health, counseling and care practitioners as well as all other professionals. 4x increase in all suits 1976-2015 and a 65x increase in damages and costs. Law playing a greater role, particularly for administrators due to increasing legislation. As a witness or consultant the law will play a big role. Health professional as party, witness, compliance officer and consultant. Some of the conventional responses to the increasingly challenging legal environment are unnecessary, costly and cumbersome. Cmpa (canadian medical protective association) represents doctors and vouches for them and insures them 1 in 3 doctors are consulting cmpa on legal matters. Total expenditures in 201 were 550 million including 195 million in damage awards and aside for outstanding claims. 60. 3% of suits against physicians resolved in their favor.