[Health Sciences 4620F/G] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (77 pages long)

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Document Summary

H e a l t h s c i e n c e s 4 6 2 0 f / g. Diagnostic statistical manual of mental disorders 5e: epilepsy was considered a mental disorder but now a neurological disorder, what is statistical about this? is it just scienti c decoration? or are there deep statistical meanings. Ccmd: chinese classi cation of mental disorders ex. traveler psychosis. Diagnosis: to know, deciding what disorder a person has, labeling giving a name. Diagnostic categories: categories that we use for diagnosis, when we diagnose we use a certain categories, ex. multiple personality disroder, autism. Syndrome; grooup of signs and symptoms running together. Signs; pulse, bp, objective measurement, measure physical that is objective measure. Symptom; subjective reported feeling or experience, observable features of behaviour: losing our normal language and being taken over by mental health terms ex. depression, losing our ways of feelings, certain terms are increasing their scope.