Kinesiology 1070A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Smoking Cessation, Nicotine Lozenge

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Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, strokes, lung diseases, diabetes and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd; lung diseases that are progressive) Smoking related to about 90% of lung-related deaths, 80-90% of copd deaths. Smoking damages the lungs" natural cleaning and repair system and traps cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens) in your lungs. Chemicals mix together to form a sticky tar that lines inside of lungs; cilia in lungs normally sweep out particles from the lungs but instead are covered in tar and thus are unable to effectively clean the lungs. Most immediately and substantially cessation reduces risk for coronary heart disease and other. Quitting very difficult and requires much more than willpower; relapse after quitting is fast and common (nearly half relapse within 2 weeks); due to nicotine addiction. Quitting smoking is also hard because 1. Nicotine regulates metabolism (aids with weight management), 2. Provides a sense of reinforcement in risky situations (dopamine; certain situations can trigger urge to smoke)