Kinesiology 1080A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cortical Blindness, Temporal Lobe, Reciprocal Inhibition

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People who write numbers differently = higher creativity. The spacial numerical association of response codes (the snarc effect, phenomenon) People stare at a screen, number flashes on r/l- when numbers like 1 or 2 on the left of the fixation cross have a shorter reaction time than an 8 or a 9 in the same location. If an 8 or a 9 is on the right there is shorter reaction times than 1 or 2. Shows that cognition and movement are strongly linked to one another (robust snarc effect with people who read r to l) Concussions: cdc estimates between 50,000 and 300,000 concussion in sports/year, simple- limit players participation during symptomatic period, but no intervention required during the recovery period- athlete typically returns to play without further problem(s) Complex- continued symptoms during recovery period (usually associated with episode of loss of consciousness-anecdotal evidence)