Kinesiology 1080A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Fusiform Gyrus, Otolith, Anti-Gravity

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Worked at stanford, started to love football. The more he gets into the game the worse his driving becomes. Half an hour into the game he rear ends someone. We have several pools of attention, the resource is specific to what you"re doing (verbal, motor, auditory processing etc) When driving with classical music there is room left, no problem with this primary spacial skill of driving. Task 1 turns into listening to the football game, not driving. Multiple pools devoted to different things (spacial, cognitive, motor activities) You can perform at a high level unless one of the pool has its capacity exceeded** Attention is specific to a specific task you"re performing. Attention as a filter- considers attention to be a fixed and undifferentiated capacity, but mediated by: arousal and anxiety level, specific task demands, selectivity. Arousal- level of activation or excitement of the cns varies widely from very low during sleep to very high during threat to self.