Kinesiology 1088A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Motor Neuron Disease, Central Nervous System, Striatum

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The neuron is composed of the following: dendrites, nucleus, cell body, axon, myelin sheath, nodes of ranvier. Diseases of the nerve: disease of the nerve influences the amplitude of nerve conduction, example would be als or more commonly lou gehrig"s disease, what happens when the amplitude of nerve impulse is diminished, disease of the myelin influences conduction speed, example would be multiple sclerosis (ms, destroys the myelin sheath in patches along the cns. The blue pathway marks the descending tract of axons. Signals travel from the brain through the grey matter of the singe and out the ventral root to the nerve. The red pathway marks the ascending tract of axons. Signals travel from the nerve through the dorsal root, through the grey matter of the spine and up to the brain. Alpha motor neuron disease or lower motor neuron disease: damage to cell body or axon terminal. Upper motor neuron disease: damage to neurons in cerebral cortex.