Kinesiology 2032A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Meta-Analysis, Effect Size, Confidence Interval

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Initial severity and antidepressant benefits: a meta-analysis of data submitted to the food and drug administration. Meta-analysis of antidepressant medications have reported only modest benefits over placebo treatment, and when unpublished trial data are included, the benefit falls below accepted criteria for clinical significance. The efficacy of the antidepressants may also be dependent on the severity of initial depression. To establish the relation of baseline severity and antidepressant efficacy using a relevant data set of published and unpublished clinical trials. 3 point difference between experimental and placebo groups for it to be significant. Weighted mean improvements was 9. 6 points on the hamilton rating of depression (hrsd) in the drug groups and 7. 8 in the placebo groups, yielding a mean drug-placebo difference of 1. 80 on the hrsd improvement scores. Fails to meet the (3 point) drug-placebo criterion for clinical significance used by the. Nice (national institute for health & clinical excellence)